by Dr. Steven B. Roach | Nov 9, 2016 | Thyroid Blog
When managing an autoimmune disease such as Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, prolonged heightened stress (or fear, anger, and negativity) is a problem that can worsen the disease. Stress has been shown to harm the body in the following ways:1. Leads to anxiety,...
by Dr. Steven B. Roach | Feb 11, 2015 | Thyroid Blog
The adrenal glands are two walnut-sized glands that sit atop the kidneys and that can make the different between being bouncy and energetic or run down and burned out. This is because they release stress hormones and the hormone cortisol, which, among other things,...
by Dr. Steven B. Roach | Feb 3, 2015 | Thyroid Blog
Aging people have long since been resigned to living out their latter years avoiding salt and eating a bland, tasteless diet. But new research shows the risks of salt may be overblown. Also, if you have low blood pressure, salt can actually serve as a boost to your...
by Dr. Steven B. Roach | Oct 28, 2014 | Thyroid Blog
It seems the times when we most need to support ourselves with healthy habits is when we are most apt to fall off the wagon. It can happen during major life changes or stressors, such as a move, the end of a relationship, or change in job status. Although the desire...
by Dr. Steven B. Roach | Sep 24, 2014 | Thyroid Blog
Some women find they end their pregnancy with not only a new baby but a new hypothyroid condition as well. That’s because normal immune shifts during pregnancy can trigger an autoimmune disease such as Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, depending on genetics and other...