by Dr. Steven B. Roach | Aug 28, 2016 | Thyroid Blog
Have you noticed how shockingly bright streetlights are these days? Although they’re great for night time visibility, the newer LED streetlights tamper with the body’s internal clock, skewing metabolic function and raising disease risk. This is bad news for people...
by Dr. Steven B. Roach | Dec 31, 2014 | Thyroid Blog
Most of us are starting the New Year with resolutions to improve, but few changes will improve your life more than regular physical activity, even if you have Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism. However, starting an exercise habit can seem insurmountable to the chronically...
by Dr. Steven B. Roach | Sep 24, 2013 | Thyroid Blog
While we focus on cures for disease, patient health, and tools for recovery, one important aspect of health care often goes overlooked: the caregivers. These are the folks who typically manage full-time jobs, a family with children, and household duties while also...
by Dr. Steven B. Roach | Aug 14, 2013 | Thyroid Blog
Even if you exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet, researchers are increasingly finding just the act of sitting for long hours—something many of us are forced to do for work—still predisposes you to many modern ailments. However, new findings show you don’t have...
by Dr. Steven B. Roach | Feb 27, 2013 | Thyroid Blog
Although it’s good to exercise regularly, working out too much could work against you. A new study found that older women (ages 60 to 72) who worked out two to four times a week burned more calories each day and found exercise more pleasurable than those who worked...